Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First projects

How to?
The first problem that I had was LEARNING how to Crochet. I had tried a couple of times in the past, but with no success. This time, though, I had the Internet to support me and plenty of fantastic online tutorials!!

Stitch Guide This website is magic!
Crochet Pattern Abbreviations
Understanding Patterns, the most difficult part in learning crochet is understanding patterns. Here's a very good help!

First Patterns

This Daisy Scarf was my very first finished job... As you can see from the pic it's not exactly as the one made by Heidi Pollock, but let's say it's close...?

Then I made a Sunflower pot holder
This is the original Sunflower by Marlos Crochet Corner. very very nice!

...And a couple of diagonal hotpads . This pattern is really nice, and you make a Double-thick hotpad! :-) Thanks Mielke's Fiber Arts!

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